List of Tamil words in Nubian group of languages
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Nubian group of languages
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
The Nubian languages (are a group of related languages spoken by the Nubians. They form a branch of the Eastern Sudanic languages, which is part of the wider Nilo-Saharan phylum. Initially, Nubian languages were spoken throughout much of Sudan, but as a result of Arabization they are today mostly limited to the Nile Valley between Aswan (southern Egypt) and Al Dabbah as well as villages in the Nuba mountains and Darfur.

Clues to read Nubian words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Nubian word, a Tamil word can be derived.
- Annotated Swadesh wordlists for the Nubian group (East Sudanic family).
- Old Nubian Language- Dotawo monographs -3
- Short Archaeological word list in English -Sudani Arabic and Nobiin
- A reference grammar of Kunuz Nubian by Ahmed S.Abdel -Hafiz
- Nubian kinship terms -Angelika Jakobi
English- Nubian- Tamil
1. all- malle -ellaam ; letters are in reversed order.
*2. belly- tu – idai
*3. big - per/ Midob- periya
4.big- dau – thotta ; padaa .
*5.burn - otig/ Dilling- thee iduka; thee- fire; iduka- make.
6.die- di / Old Nubian- madi
7.die- diil /Nobiin – madithal - arid /Dongolawi – tharai ; letters are in reversed order ;earth [E] = tharai ; letters are in reversed order.
* kal- kizhi; root word is koozh / food.
* eig- akki ; aki .
* fly- parr- para
*12.foot- otti / Midib- adi
13.full- medd- moththamum
*14.give- tir/ Old Nubian – thara
*15.give- ti / Dilling- thaa-
* tile / Wali - thalai / head / hair til tu / Kadaru – thalai mudi ;mudi- hair ; thalai- head .
*18.head- ur- erai
19.heart- aeil / Old Nubian -ullam/soul
20.heart- aidi / Birgid – ithayam
*21.knee- kur ti – kaar mutti ; kaar- leg ; mutti- joint .
*22.know- unur/ Dongolawi – unaru
*23.know -ier/ Dilling- ariya
*24.leaf- al/ Karko – ilai
*25.meat- ariz -eraichi
*26.meat- kwaze- kavichai
*27.moon- annel /Midob- nila
*28.moon- umtu / Wali- mathi
*29.mountain- mule /Nobiin – malai
*30.mountain- kuli / Dilling- kal /stone
*31.mountain – kuru - kar ; karini .
*32.mountain – kwudu/Debri – kuvadu
33.mouth- akil – akalam ir / Wali- peyar
*35.night- oyar –eraa
* wer- oru
*37.two- ere/Wali - eru
*38.rain- aru – urai
*39.say- pes- paesu
*40.say – igir /Nobiin – kooru
* speak – pestak- paesiduka
* – dor/ Dilling- thoar
*43.small- kudud- kutti
*44.stone- kulu/ Dongalwi – kal
*45.stone- kakar/ Kadaru - kar
46.swim – tugga- mithakka
*47.tree/ kute- kattai / timber
*48.walk - zuul / Nobiin- sella
49.water- iti /Wali- thanni
*50.what- nan /Debri – enna
51.what -nata/ Birgid – ennathu /what is that ;enna- what; athau- that
52.white- ele-/ Birgid- vellai
*53.far- oueid-/Old Nubian – etta
*54.far- ter/Wali – ettaththi ;thoora [Indo Iranian ]
55.heavy - gitti /Nobiin –kanaththa
*56.heavy- dullo/Kenuzi- edai ulla; edai -weight; ulla- has.
*57.near – igitti/kenuzi- kitta
*58.short- sere/wali- siriya
59.thin- olow- volli ; letters are in reversed order.
60.wind- touk – kaaththu ; letter are in reversed order.
*61.woman- eli /Dilling- yaezhai
*62.word- sol - sollu
* remember- ank – ninaikka
*64.give birth – unn- eenu
* give birth- unnatir- eenuthar be born - unnu tak enniduka /to give birth
*67.father- papo- appa
* an – en
*69.your- un- un
*70.ask – egid- kaettidu
* ask for- iskel- kaelu/ ask
72.under- tawo- adi afraid- aettak- peethi adaika ;peethi- fear ;adaika- to have.
* ride- dok- oaattuka
75.coast- gar – karai /shore
*76.side- gar- karai
* take- it – edu
78.fruit- kak- kaai kani ; kaai- vegetable ; kani- fruit.
* bring- kenduk - kondu vaa ; ka= va; va= ka. bring- kentir- konarnthidu ; letters are jumbled ; kondu vara ; ka= va; va= ka.
*81.brightness- pillaal- pala palappu ; letters are read more than once . boil- tokk- kothi ;letters are in reversed order.
*83.oil- nooy- ennai; nei .
*84.noon- eesi – uchchai
* abiddi- paaththidu
*86.mine- andi – ennuthu
*87.yours- endi- unnuthu
*88.bring- atta- attu
*89.beautiful- asir-seer/ beauty
90.drum- atum – thunthamam
*91. divide- bag- paku
92.arrive- bida- poeida; adaiya .
93.onion- bille- ulli / onion/garlic; ulli pal.
*94.water- deg- uthakai
*95.pick up- detti – eduththidu
96.take of clothes- dukki- udukkai yaei edukka ; udaukkai- clothe; edukka- take off.
97.vagina- ebette- pundai
*98.sheep- eged- kedaa ;aattu kidaa ; goat[ E] = kidaa .
*99.goat- ewre-oru /sheep; ari .
*100. bull- gur- kaari/ black bull; kaaraa- buffalo.
*101.vomit- egiddi – kakkida
102.shiver- ged ged- kidu kidu nnu nadunkka ; nadunkka- to shiver.
*103.cause to drink- giddi- kudi/ drink
*104.road- gir- kiri
*105.pimple- gor- kuru /eruption
*106.dig- gol – akzhu
*107.gnaw- gor- kori
*108.gore- gutti – kuththu
*109.milk- icci- susi
110.shout- jahde- oaasai idu ; oaasai- noise; idu- make.
*111.body- jitta- sattai ; jadam [Skt] ka- akam
*113.dress- kad- koadi / cloth; kuttai / cloth
* katu – koodam
115.wall- katre- kar kattuthar ; kar- stone; kattuthar /build.
116.cry of joy- kilillatti –kooval idu ; kooval- cry ; ka= va; va= ka.
*117.raven- kog- kaakka / crow
*118.stick- kolli- kazhi
119.hip – kulul – ukkal
120.learn- kur- karkka; letter; ‘k’ is read more than once.
121.fragrant- numme- manam
*122.shut up- satte- saaththu /shut
*123.yes/ ok- sere - sari
*124.walk – talle – adi eduththal /take a step; adi- foot; eduththal- take.
*125.cow- ti – idai
*126.break- tog- udikka
*127.beat -tukki- adikka ;thattuka/ drum .
128.light [v]- ulli- oli /noun
*129.thread- ul- izhai
*130.put on- under- anithar
*131.speech- were- urai
*132.destroy- willi- ozhi
*133.bird- kuru – kuru ee
*134.female- karri – kaarikai
*135.lamb- katti – kutti aadu / kid; kutti- small; aadu- sheep /goat
*136.insect- afes- poochchi
*137.tear- orri- aru /to tear
138.plough- ter- yaer oaattu /to plough ;yaeru -a plough .
*139.go- nog- neenkku
140.kick- gutti – uthai kodu ; uthai- a kick; kodu- give ; letters are jumbled ; to kick [E] = uthaikka .
141.stay- tego- thankka bod- oaadu /to run; oaadi poaeidu /flee.
*143.spit- tuffi- thuppu
144.stomach- tu – madi ; moadu ; unthi .
*145.grandmother- aw- awwai
*146.een- mother- annai
*147.child/ son- tooni – thaniyan / son; thanaiyei /daughter
148.dig- tie- thoandu
149.mix- sawir – saeru
150.pull- tolle- izhuthhtidu ; letters are in reversed order.
151.fry- sowwi kir- sivakkira vari varuuka ; ka= va; va= ka; sivakka- to become read; varukka- to fry .
*152.I love you - ekadoli - kaathal/ love- kaathali- female lover; kaathali- to love.
Reference /source material is lost by the author for the following words.
*153.tongue- daali- thaal
* utu- thee-
*155.wild dog- uuniei- oaanaai / wolf
156.all - net - anaiththum
157.lion- muuru- arima; letters are in reversed order.
*158.arm pit- kili- akkul ; kai kuzh i; kai- arm; kuzhi- pit ; axilla[ E]= akkul.
159.girl – bint- pendu/woman
*160.pound- kiiti- kuththu
*161.dove- burra- pura/ pigeon; root word is para/ fly.
*162.hole- dulo- thulai
*163.kick- to pet- uthai poadu ; uthai- a kick; poadu- give.
*164.thief- kolani- kallan
165.that of mine- nyekan- enakku /for me
166.that of yours - nakoni -unakku/for you
*167.write- gar- keeru; varia; ka= va; va= ka.
* dom- thoattam paattu
*170.cow - yan- aan
*171.child- gat – kuttan / small boy; kutti- small girl.
172.goat- deet – moaththai ; aadu ; udu .
*173.eye– kenin- kann
*174.bull - kala- kaalai
*175.eagle- kala- kazhuku ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
*176.pot- katate- kudam
*177.sleeping- mttk- madika / sleep/ die
*178.special friend of opposite sex- tolin- thoazhan- boyfriend; thoazhi- girl friend.
*179.bark -pada- pattai
*180.anoint - pse- poosu
181.grandmother- taa -paatti ; moo thaai .
*182.elephant - ane- yaanai
*183.musician- panan - paanan
*184.shoulder bone – deel- thoal ellu ; thoal- shoulder ;ellu- bone .
*185.pig- gaar -kiri
*186.Arab slave- dm- adimai - ruut- neer oaadai ;neer- water; oaadai- stream
*188.meat- on- uoon
*189.salt- b- uppu
*190.sea -deel- thaozham
191.butterfly- bbuut- pattaam poochchi ; paappaaththi .
*192.war- fore- poar
*193.pond - waa- waavi
*194.stone tool – ul -uli
195.metal worker - goeen- kammiyan
*196.liar - baasar-poeiyyar
197.go for -biteek - poaei naa duka
*198.eating - dueenit- thinnidu
*199.goat- eeth- aadu ; udu ; idai .
200.cold- jele - sali/common cold; jillippu / cool; sill-ena- cool.
* la- illai
202.high- fokki- pokkam/ height
*203.outside- parra- - puram
*204.mother- om- ammai